Monday, November 3, 2008

The journey to eating and cooking Seasonally and Organic-Chapter One

My journey to making the changes I've made to my eating and cooking started with a move from Mammoth Lakes, Ca to the California Central Coast, 10 years ago.
Although Mammoth, a beautiful ski town in the eastern Sierras was an idylic place to live in many ways, and a town that revovled around being outdoors and moving, it sorely lacked in the fresh food department.
With one Safeway, choice was more than limited. Our produce arrived from who knows where, probably the last things on the truck and pretty much everything had the flavor and freshness of cardboard. After 20 years there, I guess I was used to it!
After 20 years of living in snow country, I was ready for change and landed in Atascadero, CA near San luis Obispo. My first trip to the local Farmer's Market was an eye opener, a palate re-awakening. That night, I grilled a hand made sausage, eggplant, tomato & basil stack, and topped it off with a glass of local Zinfandel, then a bowl of fresh peaches and raspberries, while watching the neighboring horses in the pasture at sunset. It was one of those OH! moments in life. THIS is what food is supposed to taste like! This was at this point, the best meal I could remember ever eating.
Next time, where this has led and how I got here(:

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